TK Tax

2712 Island Ave, STE C

La Grande, OR 97850


(Island Ave & Mulholland Drive; Next to Starbucks & Banner Bank)


Tax Preparation and Planning

Preparing simple and complex personal and small business tax returns. Helping you plan ahead for lifes changes.


Submitting your tax return quickly and electronically through a secure server to the IRS and State.

Tax Notice Support

Year round availability to assist with IRS and State letters or other questions.


TK Tax was founded in 2022 by mother/daughter duo Toni Hamilton and Kayla Immoos. With extensive experience and knowledge, we hope to become your go-to tax office in Union County.

Toni is an Oregon Licensed Tax Consultant and an Enrolled Agent with the IRS.

Kayla is an Oregon Licensed Tax Consultant and an Enrolled Agent with the IRS.

With over 50 years of tax experience between us, we are ready and willing to assist our friends and neighbors with the completion of their personal income tax returns, E-File, and audit support.

Tax Consulting

We offer a full range of tax preparation including E-File and Tax Notice support.

Extensive Experience

Having spent over half of our lives in the tax world, we are ready and willing to assist with any issues that may arise for our clients with the IRS or State.


Toni Hamilton


Tax Consultant & Enrolled Agent

 My career in tax preparation started in January 1988. I enjoy helping people and solving problems. I like meeting new people and making their experience with taxes and personal finance less stressful, and easier for them to understand.

I am married, my husband and I spend a lot of time with our children and grandchildren. I love playing and living in the mountains, camping, and fishing.

Kayla Immoos


Tax Consultant & Enrolled Agent

 I have been doing taxes since 2010 though my tax office experience started at the reception desk in 2005. I enjoy working with people and being able to help others understand tax law while also taking the burden of preparing a tax return off their hands.

Outside the office I am married with two children.  We spend our family time going on adventures in the mountains, hunting, fishing and foraging.  The kids keep us busy with sports and activities and are regulars around the office.

Bethany Hamilton


I started working as a receptionist in 2013, and continued to until 2017. After taking some time off to be home with my kids, I’m excited to be back in the office atmosphere. I enjoy helping people and keeping things as organized as possible.

Outside the office, I’m married and we have two kiddos who keep us busy. I enjoy baking and spending time with my family, going fishing or watching the kids at their sporting events.


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